Friday, February 4, 2022

Differences of Useful Terms Used in Research Methodology

This video is my personal notes. I make this video for the sake of helping scholars around globe by world class information. This video will cover basic concepts used in research methodology which are given as under; 1. Research Vs Search 2. Research Vs Philosophy 3. Research Methods Vs Research Methodology 4. Problem Statement Vs Research Gap 5. Research Objectives Vs Research Questions 6. Research Questions Vs Research Hypothesis 7. Quantitative Research Vs Qualitative Research 8. Basic Research Vs Applied Research 9. Deductive Method Vs Inductive Method 10. Introduction Vs Literature Review 11. Theoretical Framework Vs Conceptual Framework 12. Sample Size Vs Population Size 13. Research Design Vs Research Methods 14. Ratio Vs Interval Vs Ordinal Vs Nominal Scale 15. Descriptive Vs Explanatory Vs Exploratory Research 16. Primary Data vs Secondary Data 17. Cross-Sectional Data Vs Time Series Vs Panel Data 18. Dependent Vs Independent Variable 19. Moderating Variable Vs Mediating Variable 20. Intercept Vs Slope 21. Error Term Vs Residuals 22. Regression Vs Correlation 23. Regression Vs Causation 24. Correlation Vs Causation 25. Correlation Vs Covariance 26. R Vs R-Squared Vs Adjusted  𝑹 ̅𝟐 -Squared 27. Unit of Analysis Vs Unit of Observation 28. Validity Vs Reliability 29. Homoscedasticity Vs Hetroscadasticity 30. Multicollinearity Vs Hetroscadasticity Vs Autocorrelation